In general property in Wexford is extremely good value.
Of particular note are the properties in Portside, Rosslare Harbour. You may know that you can buy a good house here for under €200,000 ( but you might not have realised what this really means for you.
If you are in a position where you are worried about the future because your pension savings have been hit by recent events, you are probably worried about tomorrow with reasonable justification. When you can buy a house, in a Rosslare Harbour village you get excellent transport links (central London every day, Dublin, Limerick and Cork every few hours) a bank, a church, selection of supermarkets and a pleasant beach all for under €200,000 brand new and your problems may be over.
In the same development for a little more money ie. under €250,000 we are selling energy efficient houses built to the Canadian Super E standard. These are the houses of the future. In essence your money will go even further here because they cost so little to live in.
These houses are fully displayed on our websites and if you get the opportunity to be in the Rosslare area we would welcome the opportunity of showing them to you.
Better still, using our links with Sherry FitzGerald throughout Ireland and Marsh & Parsons in central London we can tell you specifically what your own house is worth and how much money you would have on deposit after your move. If you are interested call today [email protected]